Wednesday 14 November 2012

The Heart Sutra - Maha Prajñāpāramitā Sutra

Last week's session was really light hearted and full of laughter. Quite the opposite of what I expected as the Heart Sutra, or Maha Prajnāpāramitā Sutra, is the most concise yet the one of the most profound scripture one can come across. 

So much was covered within the hour, and I am sorry to say it is pretty impossible for me to summarize everything here. I tried jotting the points into my phone but they had unfortunately been accidentally deleted as I was clearing the files in my phone. So I won't be doing a summary here but only putting up some relevant documents we have discussed, an incentive for those have went for the session ;) 

Here is one thing I clearly remember from the session:

 In the heart sutra, it emphasizes greatly on compassion: compassion is the greatest gift one can have and give for all beings. 

The discussion was based on a book, which Natasha found on Amazon and it looks like this:

The discussion started off trying to unfold what 'maha' and 'prajna' meant. 

I cannot scan the entire book, so you can try Amazon if you are interested in purchasing the book. 

For the benefit of all, I have also uploaded a copy of Heart Sutra translated into English and given out to us during a similar session with Ch'an Meditation Group last year. Hope you will find it beneficial. 

P.S.  Once again, I apologize for the absence of a proper summary. To prevent missing out on such a good discussion in the future, I do suggest all of you to come for the session actively. 



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